Beautiful Nature
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learning to love

The depths

of being

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Beautiful Nature
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We are Irene and pier Davide

* Atma & Dharma *

Our trajectory goes from scientific research to the world of integrative medicine, holistic therapy and meditation. Starting from 2016, we conduct individual sessions and offer workshops and group courses focused on personal and spiritual growth in various countries. We can offer our activities, both online and in person, in English, Spanish or Italian.

We also love to use music as a tool for connection and emotional release. Hence we close all of our courses and workshops with an intimate and melodic acoustic concert full of inspiration and devotion. Finally, we are always happy to offer courses and music at collaborative events and festivals.

Beautiful Nature

something more about us...

We both got our university degree and then a PhD in Molecular Biology. We dedicated many years to clinical cancer research. Parallel to our profession, 15 years ago, we discovered the great value of meditation and entered a progressive process of self-enquiry and personal development. Over the years we became more and more passionate about spirituality and the deep personal growth that spiritual practice entails.

We trained as "Spiritual Guides" within a Hindu tradition coming ​from India and very diffused all around the world. Later, we did ​it also within a western Buddhist tradition that draws its ​teachings from Hinduism, Vajrayana Buddhism, and Kabbalah ​(Mahajrya).

Subsequently, we also trained in kinesiology, emotional ​integration, coaching, and Mind-Body Medicine in order to ​combine the meditative practices learned in the spiritual realm ​with other holistic practices supported by science and well ​adapted to the western cultural style.

Finally, we decided to leave academic scientific research to share ​the tools we acquired over these many years of study, ​experience, and deliberate practice.

Our intention is always to promote self-inquiry, self-awareness, ​and self-acceptance by sharing practices that promote personal ​growth, spiritual development, healing, and greater wellbeing.

Beautiful Nature

what we offer

Man and Woman Communication Consultation Psychology Therapy


Yin Yang Symbol


Beautiful Nature

Individual sessions

We offer individual online and face-to-face coaching sessions to all types of people. Our individual sessions are composed of phases of conversation, teaching, and guided practice. We always start with an introductory session in which we get to know each other and establish with you the topics to be addressed, the way to proceed, the objectives, and the frequency of the meetings we will have. We can communicate in Spanish, English or Italian.

Integrating all our experience with the different trainings we have received over more than a decade, we can effectively accompany all those who wish to:

  • Gradually heal emotional patterns and repetitive behaviors deriving from unconscious mechanisms of adaptation to certain traumatic episodes

  • Increase 'body awareness' to access those somatic memories that manifest in the form of psychophysical symptoms which can be healed and understood

  • Gradually overcome the blocks and/or bad habits that hinder the implementation of their best intentions, plans, and projects
  • Find a new inner dimension source of greater joy and peace. A more loving dimension that allows their relationships to be based on honesty, transparency, and mutual listening and respect

  • Start or strengthen their spiritual path to find a greater sense of purpose and commitment in their life through a form of spirituality free from religious dogmas and applicable in everyday life
Beautiful Nature

Courses and workshops

Here you find the contents we share in our workshops and courses (intensive or extended) according to the request of the center or group with which we collaborate

Click on each title for more information:


-Hebrew alphabet-

Click on these buttons to check the structure of our courses:

Structure of the Extended Courses

Depending on the specific interest and orientation of the requesting center (or group), it is possible to combine the contents of some workshops and courses into a single experience.

It is also possible to combine our contents with other practices or with experiential dynamics guided by other facilitators. We firmly believe in the power of conscious co-creation carried out with honesty, equality, and transparency, so we are always open to new collaborations.

All our events end with a live concert to help the integration of all the internal work done throughout the course.

To have us participating with our courses and music in consciousness festivals or other events, for collaborations, or to resolve any doubts,

contact us at

zen meditation stone



Our workshops can be informative or theoretical-practical:

The informative workshop explains the basic differences between classical and integrative medicine to then introduce a series of practices related to the latter. The importance and usefulness of Conscious Muscle Relaxation, Conscious Breathing and Movement, Motor Coordination Exercises, Spontaneous and Voluntary Visualization Exercises, Meditation and Emotional Integration, and Cognitive-Behavioral Contemplation are briefly explained.

The theoretical-practical workshop introduces one of the several practices of meditation and self enquiry that we share so that the group or center can have a first contact with the contents that would be deepened during the corresponding course.

Workshop Structure:



  • 30' or 60' of informative lecture (depending on the included topics)
  • 30' of questions and answers
  • 10' break
  • 50' of live music


  • 10' of conscious breathing and connection with the present moment
  • 30' of basic teaching with whiteboard and markers
  • 20' of introduced practice
  • 10' of transcendental meditation
  • 10' of active breathing or conscious movement
  • 10' break
  • 1h of live music

Approximate price: 30 Euros per person





emotional release


The meditation and emotional release workshops are face-to-face or online meetings (sometimes both) that last between a minimum of 2h and a maximum of 4.

Throughout the workshop we teach different conscious breathing techniques ideal for releasing stress, relaxing anxiety and entering into states of greater presence in the body. We also guide short emotional integration practices to release unresolved emotions and follow with some transcendental meditation.

We end by sharing our music for the soul inviting participants to stay in touch with their emotions, to feel them consciously, and to transmute or sublimate them through the practices they have just learned during the workshop.

these workshops

ADAPT very welL to

men's or women's circles.


To have us participating with our courses and music in consciousness festivals or other events, for collaborations, or to resolve any doubts,

contact us at




Our courses provide different levels of depth in the proposed contents according to their duration. Intensive courses can last one full day (or 2 afternoons), 2 days (or 4 afternoons), and 4 days (or 8 afternoons). The afternoon option is designed for those who only have this time slot available due to personal reasons (work or family) or due to time zone differences for participants joining online from far away.

All our events end with a live concert to help the integration of all the internal work done throughout the course.

Course structures:

(Spain time)

1-DAY COURSE (adaptable for 2 afternoons)

  • morning 10-11.30 and 12-13.30
  • afternoon 15-16.30 and 17-18.30
  • live music 19-21

2-DAY COURSE (Saturday and Sunday)

  • morning 10-11.30 and 12-13.30
  • afternoon 15-16.30 and 17-18.30
  • live music 7pm-9pm [Sunday]

4 AFTERNOON COURSE (Thursday to Sunday):

  • afternoon 6pm-7.30pm and 8pm-9.30pm [Thu, Fri, Sat]
  • afternoon 4pm-5.30pm and 6pm-7.30pm [Sunday]
  • live music 8-9:30 PM [Sunday]

4-DAY COURSE (Thursday to Sunday):

  • morning 10-11.30 and 12-13.30
  • afternoon 15-16.30 and 17-18.30
  • concert 7-9 PM [Sunday]

8 AFTERNOON COURSE (Sunday to Sunday):

  • afternoon 6-7:30 PM and 8-9:30 PM [Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat]
  • afternoon 4-5:30 PM and 6-7:30 PM [last Sunday]
  • concert 8:00-9:30 PM [last Sunday]

Aproximate prices:

90 Euros / person (1 day or 2 noons)

160 Euros / person (2 days or 4 noons)

300 Euros / person (4 days or 8 noons)

To have us participating with our courses and music in consciousness festivals or other events, for collaborations, or to resolve any doubts,

contact us at

Beautiful Nature
Beautiful Nature
Beautiful Nature
Beautiful Nature

Music for the soul

Past In-Person Events

18 aprile


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Beautiful Nature

Music for the SOUL

Past In-Person Events

Check out what happened in this


Escucha la entrevista que hicimos con

@Suki Landaeta para esta GIORNATA OLISTICA



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Discover the Informative Channel


Beautiful Nature

Music for the soul

Past Events

Click here to access 10 hours of free online concert featuring many artists who bring their presence, music, songs, and words in service of Peace! A great gift!

We thank @Pachamagda for all her dedication in organizing this event Songs for World Peace within the Voices of Mother Earth Festival and we invite you to discover her music, initiatives. We thank Valery as the founder of the @OM TERRANOVA platform project and OPEN HEART Festival

We invite you to listen to the inspiring words of Tarek Daroukh (forty-eight minutes) from the wise Peruvian grandfather @Henry el Aguila Mori (one hour and eleven minutes)

We hope you enjoy our performance @atmaanddharma (three hours and thirty-three minutes)

(... and we apologize for the technical issue that has prevented the hang from being heard well towards the end ...)

We also encourage you to listen to ALL the other artists. Here we highlight only a few performances to make it easier to identify them in so many hours of video:

@Maribel Lama (one hour and thirty minutes), @Silvye Shanti (two hours and twenty-two minutes), Joel&friends (three hours and twenty-five minutes), Jaime and Dani and Raquel (two hours and thirty-two minutes), @Txai Dolf (four hours and forty minutes), @Suki Landaeta (five hours and thirty minutes), @Maria Maltseva (six hours and thirty-eight minutes), @Ganesha Project (seven hours and thirty minutes), @Karina Guanca (eight hours and thirty minutes), and finally the renowned peace activist @Cesar Lopez (nine hours and nine minutes)<

Beautiful Nature



Listen to some demos:

Consciousness is the Flower

(Om Mani Padme Hum)

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A New Discovery

(Gayatri Mantra)

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We are Free/Somos Libres

(Liberation Sutra)

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Our musical album Eleison contains a guided meditation and nine songs ​composed with mantras and power words originating from Greek, Hebrew, and ​Sanskrit with lyrics in Spanish, Italian, and English. The profound message of ​these ancient recitations has influenced the order and musical style of the songs ​on this album, which is designed for you to enjoy while accompanying you on a ​journey of self-discovery and healing.

So just listen and let yourself go while paying attention to all the energetic and ​emotional movements that are activated within you. Our recommendation is that ​you allow yourself to listen to each song with an attitude of meditation and self-​observation to obtain a healing and revealing experience. If you can, take some ​time for yourself, lie down, connect with your breath, and listen to the entire ​album from start to finish without interruptions or distractions.

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Beautiful Nature

Music for the soul

Festivals, Associations, Events

Visit these links to learn more about some of the beautiful initiatives we support based on the principles, where we sometimes have the opportunity to contribute, and from which we are inspired by other emerging and veteran artists who share their 'MUSIC FOR THE SOUL' and learn from new conscious perspectives


Discover the festival


Discover the festival


Discover the festival


zen meditation stone

EXTENDED courses


The extended courses cover the same content as the intensive ones. The difference is that in this case, classes are spread over a much longer period. They have a variable duration of one to five months and depending on the selected content, they can extend up to a year. Each class is two to three hours long and the frequency can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Between classes, there will be regular meetings so that participants, if they wish, can practice together with the rest of the group. This helps everyone practice with more discipline and regularity.

Usually, in the extended courses, after every two or three classes, before the next class, there is a space opened for each participant to ask questions related to the previous part of the course and share with the rest of the group their experience during the practice of the weeks that have already passed.

Compared to those in an intensive course, participants in an extended course have the advantage of being able to practice the technique studied for much longer. This allows them to address doubts, tackle difficulties, and experience the benefits of practice throughout the course.

To participate with our courses and music in consciousness festivals or other events, for collaborations, or to resolve any doubts, write to us at

zen meditation stone

Emotional Integration (EI)

-therapeutic meditation-

What is it about ?

Emotional Integration (EI) is a practice of self-awareness, self-healing, and self-discovery that promotes personal and spiritual development for the practitioner. The goal of EI is not to justify our emotional automatisms, but to learn from them. We want to be able to persist in a deep state of self-awareness while being aware of all the feelings that our unconscious emotional reactions produce within us. This gradually allows us to accept our emotional discomfort while remaining in a state of self-observation as peaceful and unidentifiable as possible.

What will we learn ?

Learning this therapeutic meditation technique allows you to learn to manage your emotions, become aware of their origin, and develop yourself autonomously and authentically. Over time, regular Emotional Integration helps dissolve unconscious emotional resistances, thus developing the ability to embrace all the flavors and colors of Life from a state of appreciation and objectivity. All experiences have affected us to a greater or lesser extent. The absence of emotional education in our society has often meant that the emotions experienced have not been properly managed by each of the individuals involved in these events. In this intensive workshop, you will have the opportunity to experience for yourself the powerful effects of EI, learn to perceive your emotions consciously, promoting deep and progressive emotional hygiene. You will return home with a new and valuable tool that everyone can use to live and express themselves more authentically.

To have us participating with our courses and music in consciousness festivals or other events, for collaborations, or to resolve any doubts,

contact us at

zen meditation stone

21 masks of the ego

-deep self ENQUIRY-

What is it about ?

It consists of a thorough study of the functioning of our own ego, that is, all our automatic and unconscious reactions and behaviors, with the intention of recognizing them and taking responsibility for them. A comprehensive explanation will be offered of what we call the twenty-one masks of the ego, twenty-one facets that make up the mechanisms with which each person reacts automatically to

What will we learn ?

A self-awareness and personal growth tool that you can apply autonomously whenever you want. You will learn what the ego is and how it works in general and yours in particular. You will be able to practice emotional integration by recognizing many more layers of the reactions that arise within you, either totally or partially unconsciously, in response to all kinds of situations and information. The goal is to be able to understand these internal mechanisms, transcending step by step those that do not benefit us. Regular practice of this technique will allow you to better understand the human being and its dynamics, leading you to states of greater humility, clarity, and objectivity.

To have us participating with our courses and music in consciousness festivals or other events, for collaborations, or to resolve any doubts,

contact us at

zen meditation stone

Introduction to Kabbalah and the Language of the Soul

-Hebrew alphabet-

What is it about ?

The Hebrew alphabet is one of the oldest known today. Its study, use, and practice represent the foundation for approaching Kabbalah, a set of esoteric teachings that promote our spiritual evolution by addressing ontological questions such as the nature of the universe, life, and the human being. The alef-bet consists of 22 letters, each of which is associated with an archetype and an image that we will need to contemplate carefully to delve into each of these multiple archetypal aspects of reality. Another way to practice each letter will be through its simple vocalization and recitation, during which we will focus all our attention on the experience that the production of this sound and its vibration have on our inner selves, immersing ourselves in it and temporarily setting aside all meanings, concepts, and interpretations. This is the practice that brings us closer to the discovery of what is sometimes poetically referred to as the 'language of the soul,' meaning a dimension that is fully and directly experiential, unfiltered or filtered as minimally as possible by our rational interpretation and analytical mind. Inspiring teachings will be alternated with various practices of vocalization, contemplation, visualization, and meditation, and when the duration of the course allows, writing practices.

What will we learn ?

This course will provide you with an introduction to the Kabbalah and the practices of the 'language of the soul' through the 22 letters of the ancient Hebrew alphabet. Additionally, the contents of this course add depth and complexity to the two previous courses on emotional integration and the 21 ego masks. In this approach, each letter, from 2 (beth) to 22 (tav), corresponds to the 21 ego masks and provides you with a new understanding of their origin. Each letter also indicates qualities (virtues) to cultivate in order to conquer each mask a little more each day, develop your creative power, and transform your life on a personal and spiritual level.

To have us participating with our courses and music in consciousness festivals or other events, for collaborations, or to resolve any doubts,

contact us at

zen meditation stone



What is it about ?

R’SHINAYA is a Sanskrit word that translates as the Holy (R’shi) Path (naya). In this course, through inspiring talks, meditations, and contemplations, we delve into the discovery of what Hinduism considers five of the basic virtues that make up the “pillar of r’shinaya”: peace (shanti), forgiveness (anuja), compassion (karuna), gratitude (krtaña), and presence (manasvin). We will also study their relationship with the wisdom inspired by the five elements and the 4 noble truths, a central principle in Buddhist philosophy. The practice of R’shinaya is based on a form of transcendental meditation accompanied by the repetition of a siddhi (recitation of one or two words in an archaic language), which in itself represents a very beneficial tool. In addition, combined with the knowledge imparted in the previous three courses, R’shinaya can also be applied to evaluate the effects of our emotional integration practice as it allows us to recognize how our way of reacting to people, situations, and experiences we focus on in our practice changes.

What will we learn ?

Virtues are internal attitudes that help us experience life from a different perspective, with greater clarity, understanding, and responsibility in your words, actions, thoughts, and life choices. Through this course, you will learn various siddhis and how to practice them through transcendental meditation, which will help you cultivate these states of being and eventually lead you to live a more fulfilling and free life. So you can choose how to live your life beyond conformism and clichés, adjusting course as you learn from each new situation, and embracing both the renunciations and gifts that your decisions entail.

To have us participating with our courses and music in consciousness festivals or other events, for collaborations, or to resolve any doubts,

contact us at

zen meditation stone

THE WISDOM OF the 5 elements

-Ancient Mantras And SIDDHIS-

What is it about ?

In this course, we will introduce a perspective inspired by the Hindu tradition that will allow us to connect with the wisdom related to the five elemental principles of creation: earth, fire, water, air, and spirit. It is a relatively simple practice ideal for those who decide to embark on a path of meditation, personal development, and spiritual growth as well as for those who already have experience. We will study the five elements and their energetic qualities from a symbolic perspective that will help us recognize their potential role in creation, that is, the mysterious yet undeniable process of manifestation and evolution that leads from nothing to the appearance of everything that exists. We will also explore the role of these energies in our own lives and in our "existential experience" to recognize when we resist them and when we are able to flow harmoniously with them. We will alternate teaching phases with long practices of "japa mala" during which we will repeat together the 5 mantras (short prayers) using a mala (Hindu necklace of 108 beads) and the five siddhis (recitations of one or two words) of each element.

What will we learn ?

Meditating on the 5 elements helps us connect with our inner self, develop understanding and the ability to embrace life and all its movements both within us and around us. It brings the ability to sustain, understand, and accept the changes we go through, to feel and give space to the emotions that arise in each experience, and to clearly and simply understand the meaning of 'connecting with our soul'. You will learn several mantras and how to meditate with them using a mala, as well as several siddhis and how to practice them through transcendental meditation.

To have us participating with our courses and music in consciousness festivals or other events, for collaborations, or to resolve any doubts,

contact us at

zen meditation stone



What is it about ?

This is a beginner's course in a very ancient, complete, and effective practice of personal and spiritual growth, which is now known and popularized as Kuji-in (from Japanese: Ku = 9, Ji = sound/syllable, In = seal/key) and mostly associated with the world of martial arts. The technique requires us to practice a mudra (a specific way of interlocking hands and fingers), while reciting a mantra (short prayer), focusing on a chakra (body region), and visualizing a mandala (specific shape and/or color). These 4 components define each seal, and during the course, we will study and practice 9 different seals.

Its popularity in the martial arts field is due to the fact that regular practice of this technique promotes the nervous, endocrine, and energetic function of our body resulting in a feeling of increased focus and strength.

In reality, the goal of practicing Kuji-in is not to acquire strength, control, or superpowers like in Manga, but rather to develop new and better attitudes towards life in general and towards any type of difficulty we may encounter. New attitudes inspired by the deep internal work that this practice allows us to do when contemplating seriously and deeply the philosophical and spiritual principles it aims at.

What will we learn ?

With this course, you will take your meditative practice to another level of depth. You will learn a very complete and powerful technique that will teach you to sustain states of semi-transcendence from which to meditate while your attention is simultaneously directed towards different aspects. You will learn nine seals that will strengthen your ability to be aware of yourself and your internal dynamics, guiding you towards contemplations of the highest spiritual principles, perhaps even being able to experience a glimpse of non-duality.

To have us participating with our courses and music in consciousness festivals or other events, for collaborations, or to resolve any doubts,

contact us at